Cybersecurity solutions for local government agencies, large and small, are even more critical now than ever. If you pay attention to the news, you will see our critical infrastructure, from small boroughs to county agencies, is under attack. 

In reality, most local government agencies do not have a budget for IT support, let alone one for Cybersecurity. 

Stewards of the Citizens Resources

Talking about Cybersecurity and data breaches with local governments is slightly different than with a business. When we discuss Cybersecurity with a company, it’s about protecting the business’s revenue. However, when we talk about Cybersecurity for local governments, the revenue we protect doesn’t belong to the municipality. It belongs to the residents of the municipality. The employees and elected officials are merely stewards of that money, selected to direct the best use of that money. 

Budgeting for Cybersecurity

Many local government agencies we come across either don’t have a budget for IT Support or an unrealistic budget. Many will work with service providers that come in when there is a problem or a purely reactive model. For that reason, they may have deferred maintenance items such as outdated computers and software. When “shopping” for IT support, they still work off the lowest bidder model.

The problem with this approach is that Cybersecurity for local governments requires proactive monitoring and management. It is neither a one-and-done thing nor a weekly or monthly task. It’s ongoing. 

How do you plan a budget for Cybersecurity?

It starts with a risk assessment, like when you visit a doctor’s office. Before they treat a problem, they must first understand what the problem is. A Risk Assessment is a business tool that allows the local government agency to know where their risk is to learn what solutions must be implemented. They can build a budget around that solution once they know that and the cost involved. 

Not all Service Providers are the same. 

Cybersecurity is a keyword; Many IT service providers will add the word Cybersecurity to a list of services they provide without the benefits of providing a proper cybersecurity solution. We have seen solutions offering a “bucket of hours” along with some products and calling that a cybersecurity solution. The problem with these solutions is that cybersecurity protection is a genuinely proactive solution; if the provider offers a “Bucket of Hours,” how aggressive will they be? 

Leveraging Experts to Provide Cybersecurity Solutions for Local Government

Even if you have an internal team that does IT support for your local government agency, you should look to partner with an external expert. The cybersecurity landscape changes daily, and you need a partner who works in it daily to provide the latest and best protection. 

About Underdog Cyber Defense: Your First, Last and Best Defense: Cybersecurity Solutions for Local Government

Underdog is unique in our space among IT Service Providers. We combine Traditional IT support with intelligent cybersecurity solutions. The result is a security-first proactive experience for our clients. 

When protecting the resources, revenue, and services your local government agency provides, Underdog is your Partner!

Discover how our knowledge, experience, and customer service set us apart and why more local government agencies trust us with their IT Support and Cybersecurity. 

Learn More:

Give us a call at 570-243-9205 or book a 15-minute no-obligation phone call by going to

New Look. New Name. New Focus.

Underdog Cyber Defense, formerly know as Underdog Computer and Network Solutions LLC., has rebranded to communicate that we are now focusing our exceptional IT and network capabilities on the vast challenges associated with Cyber Security.